
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Review: Confess by Colleen Hoover

2015 Best Romance Book according to Goodreads!

This is not a mistake – this book is actually pretty amazing. It has a little bit of everything: mistery, drama and romance but in the correct amount. And at the same time it doesn’t stops in unnecesary details – is really easy to read and I really enjoyed that.

So, if you haven’t read it, the story goes like this:

Auburn Reed is back in Dallas with all her plans in place – she just needs money to make them come true. So she lands a job in an art gallery as an assistant – but as soon as she gets into that art gallery she not only connects with the paintings, she also connects with the author.

Owen Gentry had spent all his life making something of other people confessions until Auburn arrives at his door and soon he’s the one who has to star to confess.

So, Colleen Hoover give us a peace where we can see that everybody in this world has something to confess and we can all related to that in a simple reading.

ALERT!!! SPOILERS from here on…

I barely could contained the tears at the beggining of this book… not only someone really young was dying but he was being separated from the love of his life just before that happened. That seems so sad that my heart ached for Adam for the entire book.

Standing ovation to the fact that the reader is dying to know both what Auburn and Owen are hiding from each other. The author keeps zigzaging around the motivations of their lives up until the point when it has to be reveal.

So, I never imaging that AJ could exist until he appears with his Grandma in Auburn’s door – and in that moment, just as Owen, I understood why Auburn was so mad in her birthday, why she needed the money so desesperatly and why she stant her “in-laws”.

In the same way I never figured that was Owen’s father the one with the addiction until Owen explained the situation and the reason of his arrest. I though he was really the addict.

Maybe I could have made the characters a little bit older based in everything they had to pass to be together at the end. But they kind of pulled it out at the end. Auburn, as a 20/21 year old women made her desicions in order to her age and her circunstances. And Owen in his 21 years and having been his father’s father for a while, grew faster I guess, which made him seems older.

Another plus is that is a simple story, with not so many characters and a very specific roll for all of them – Trey as the bad guy, Lydia as the bitch (no sorprises on that), Adam as glue to all the story, AJ as the reason to be in Dallas and endured all of that, Emory as the weird roommate/colleague who saves the day, Cal as the disfuntional father and Harrison as the so needed friend. And that’s it! So, zero complications!

There are really a lot of this that I liked about this book, but the best one is the, at the end, Owen kept his confession to himself – he never tells Auburn about the painting or how he was the one who sent it – so this leaves clear the fact that at the end, everyone has secrets that they don’t share with no one, ever. This fact made the book a little more realistic. I kinda loved that! <3

There’s only one question in my head, how Auburn could completely ignore Owen in the hospital without even a glance when everybody else seemed to knew him. I guess you can say she was really focus on Adam.

So, this are my thoughs – give yours below!

Thanks for reading and see you between the pages!


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